Thursday 1 March 2012

This is England : Big Brother society - No fun, no flags and pretty soon no breathing

Hello all

Some people regularly ask why I want to leave England and whilst the main reason is because I have become bored of this country and want a new challenge, the other is how fucking ridiculous this country is becoming.

Below are just a two news stories that sum up this country for me.

What sort of country allows a child to buy a pirate flag but then not let him display it outside his house?
What sort of country allows idiots to put across an idea like this? (granted it's been rightly ridiculed, but that's besides the point)

It's just bullshit like this that pisses me off. It's stuff like the enforcement of health and safety. Who remembers when health and safety was known as "common sense"??? "Oh look, there's a big hole, shall I step in it? No, I think I'll walk around it," that was the old way of doing things, and then one fuck-face idiot decides to fall in the hole and ruins if for everyone and now that hole which anyone with a brain cell managed to avoid is protected by ten metres of safety tap, cones and all sorts of other shit.

Anders Breivik - Norweigan terrorist.
Killed 69 people (mainly children) in a Utøya holiday
camp but that's not as newsworthy as Amy Winehouse

If you go to Holland there's not a fence of any variety next to any rivers, especially those in cities, and you know why? It's because their government and legislation doesn't automatically assume that everyone is a small child. They treat you like an adult. They trust their drivers not to just vere off into rivers. In England there would be a massive-fuck-off sign saying "Don't go in the water" and then a metal fence which looks like it's about to break when someone just leans on the fucker.

Then there's not to forget the failure of prioritising. Back when Amy Winehouse died in mid-2011, she was the front page news virtually every day for a week and all there was was praise for her and her career....everyone conveniently ignoring the well reported drugs problems that she had the same week that Anders Breivik killed all those Norweigan kids at a holiday camp. Forgive me for thinking that a load of innocent kids being killed on what was supposed to be a holiday is more newsworthy than some crackhead dying. Amy Winehouse was a vile human being and yet she gets more respect than a load of innocent Norweigan kids from the British newspapers.

Then there's not to forget Jade Goody either. An ignorant, self obsessed twat who spouted a lot of racist taunts at a fellow contest on a reality TV show, who the nation hates, all of a sudden she gets cancer and she's treated like a fucking saint, WHAT THE FUCK?!? If Hitler, one of the best known racists of all time, got cancer, would you treat him like a saint? Fuck no! Just because someone gets cancer doesn't stop them from being a twat. Jade Goody was a waste of human life, a vile human being and she was not certainly not a fucking saint. The fact she got cancer doesn't change that.

Some people say I'll be unfair on Winehouse and Goody and that I shouldn't "talk ill of the dead," but that seems to only apply to people who society didn't deem as evil. Would you apply "don't talk ill of the dead" to Hitler? I think not!

I was also talking to an American girl the other day about how this country is so expensive to live in and I used the example of having a car. She said that in America all you have to pay for is the car itself, insurance, the petrol that goes in it. She was amazed when I told her that we get taxed for having a car. It's one of many taxes that this country dishes out. Tax is taken off wages, anything you buy is taxed, your council charges you tax and you have to pay tax for using a car. It's fucking ridiculous.

The cost of everything continues to go up but wages don't increase and it's putting a massive strain on the English economy. The government keep on introducing new ways for people to be forced to give them money and pretty soon it will be the case where we will be taxed for simply breathing.

It won't be long before we are regularly encountered by scenes like the one on the right from Robin Hood : Men in Tights, where you have to pay to get across any single bridge. The fact they charge you to get across some bridges now is ridiculous.
This country is going to shit and I could have made this blog much, much longer, but I was getting quite angry by this point and didn't want to stress myself out too much so am going to leave it here, but those are just a few reasons as to why I want to leave this country.

Maybe one day when the country sorts out it's priorities and actually starts treating it's society like they're older than five, or maybe when the country isn't run by a bunch of greed driven toffs that claim they're doing everything for your benefit but you never actually see the benefits yourself, then it might be a decent country to live in, but until then it's not. I am proud to be English but it's shit like this that makes me hate this country.

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