Sunday 11 March 2012

The cold hearted bastard that is frustration


  1. The feeling of being upset or annoyed, esp. because of inability to change or achieve something.
  2. An event or circumstance that causes one to have such a feeling
Hello all

I've been on a diet recently and I haven't updated you all with it recently (not that many, if any, of you give a shit), so I figured I'd be nice and do it know.

Well I have now lost two stone (28 pounds for those of you who are in countries that don't work in stones) and it's slowly continuing to come off. I started off at 18 stone 11 in mid-January and it's now March 11th, and I now weigh in the mid-16 stone range. There's a reason I can't commit to a specific range and that's because technology is letting me down.

The way I've been able to lose a lot of weight is because I have been biking to work on a regular basis and eating sensibly, and whilst I am still eating sensibly, my bike is proving to be one fickle fuck of a mechancial bastard (pardon my French). Tyres deflating, nuts coming lose and various other aspects mean at the moment I am having to spent at least two days travelling via other methods to work, which means that whilst I'm losing weight on the other three days, on those two days my hard work comes undone as I work in a job where calorie burning isn't easy.

Then on Friday, after having to get a new tyre on the back wheel the day before, I was biking to work and the back wheel just wouldn't move and I looked to see what the problem was. One of the people I live with hadn't secured it back in place properly and it was grinding against the frame of the bike, meaning the wheel wouldn't go around. On lunch I correctly this, or so I turns out I also didn't reattach it properly and when I got back on it a few hours later.....well, I'll let you look at the picture on the right.

Then on Sunday the boiler decides to break.

You may be wondering how that's relevant but every Wednesday and Sunday I have a nice, warm, 90 minute bath and after that, because my muscles are relaxed, I go for a five mile run, but it's something I can't do with just showers......but with the boiler broken, it means I can't have baths and therefore also can't run afterwards, meaning I can't lose that weight.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still delighted to have gone beyond the two stone mark and I'm still well on target to make it to my target by September (infact I'm just shy of half way there), but it's frustrating to know that my progression is being stunted. If all of the above hadn't happend then I would probably be down around the 16 stone mark at the moment instead of moving up and down in the middle of the 16 stone range.

Oh well, it's a good problem to have.

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