Hello all
There's one thing I always feel a bit guilty about and that's that I don't write enough positive blogs, so here we go.
Firstly, I promised my favourite Dustin Diamond lookalike Steve that I would give him what he describes as a "shout out" on here, so there you go Steve.
Well first of all I've tried to expand my horizons and I have joined Pinterest. I really didn't understand the concept at first but it's actually quite an interesting website.

The image on the left is one such image I pulled off of someone else's profiles and the fact you can group them all together is brilliant.
It's hard to really explain but I would recommend it.
Recently I mentioned that I have been applying for jobs out in America and Canada, one of which I was extremely keen on and that was working for RadioLab, a podcast which I love. It looks like I unfortunately didn't get that role as it had been open since January, it's been moved off of their jobs page and they haaven't been in contact, so no RadioLab job for me, which is disappointing but it was to be expected. I don't mind being disappointed like that if it had been expected, so I suppose that's a positive.
I'm still loving not doing my Lincoln City website. It feels so nice to be able to go to a Lincoln City game knowing that we're probably going to lose and not having to write about it afterwards. Yes, we still lose most weeks and play shit every week, and that's not satisfying, but I don't have write about it anymore and nor do I even have to record those shit videos and put them on Youtube anymore. Youtube no longer has to put up with me pretending to like the people who I talked to on those videos.
It's nice to not have to pretend I like other Lincoln fans now. I don't have to stand there filming someone who's boring the shit out of me just because I know who they are and they fill 2 minutes worth of film, effectively being padding on the videos. I don't even have to interact with fans of other teams now. I have a few friends who support other teams, but largely I don't give a shit anymore.
So that's your lot for this positive blog, I might come up with something else at some point but I figured that would do you all for now.
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