Sunday 4 March 2012

And people wonder why I'm not socialable....

Hello all.

Well on Friday I decided to go on a rare night out. Oh yes, that's right, I decided to be socialable. It doesn't happen often but when it does there's often a bit of controversy.

Those of you who have been out on nights out with me before know that I'm not socialable on these nights out, even less so when I have stuff on my mind, but in this case I was hoping that the night out would help me forget about the things, or to me more precise the two girls, I was thinking about.

This particular night started out with about five of us just stood there at the bar of a random bar in the middle of Newark. Everyone with their alcoholic based drinks, me with my diet pepsi (I don't drink alcohol, which one person in the overall group was very keen to find out the reason for, and didn't drop it all night) and at first it's reasonably comfortable and then some of the women that I work with turned up.

At this point the atmosphere changed and all of a sudden the other men are starting to talk about certain parts of the female anatomy. Now, I'm uncomfortable talking about women in that way anyway, I'm even more uncomfortable with them talking about those women whilst they're stood there. The bizarre thing was that the women didn't even mind that they were being talked about in that way. I still found it quite uncomfortable to be able to even hear this conversation though, maybe I just have too much respect for women, I don't know, but I do know I certainly wasn't keen on the conversation.

So the night goes on and it's a rare opportunity to talk to various members of this group that I don't normally get to talk to and this turns out to be a very good thing. Everyone knows I want to move abroad and I asked one girl in particular about her experiences as she had travelled the world recently, albeit the completely opposite side of the world to where I wanted to go, but it was still interesting either way.

The night continues before we move onto another bar and this is where the major controversy of the night comes into play. I'm sitting on the couch in this bar and a girl from the group comes and sits next to me. She's talking to her other friend so doesn't hear what was said to me a few minutes later. Another person from the large group comes and sits the other side of me and says "I will give you £5 if you <insert inappropriate sexual act> to <insert girl's name> right now!" I ignored him and he walks off.

My opinion on the person who bet me
money to do <insert inappropriate sexual act>
Skip forward about 15 minutes and he comes back and sits on the couch opposite and shouts over the table, "So Nathan, have you <insert inappropriate sexual act> her yet?" ....... obviously this gets the girl's attention and she is rightly unimpressed. She asks me what was said so I tell her, she reacts angrily at the person.....who then tries to deny it. Luckily she doesn't believe him and launches a tirade at him. The weird thing is that the guy was someone who I had a lot of respect for before this.

I felt quite uncomfortable in this awkward situation and started considering going home.....and it's only 11pm at this time. I'm supposed to be driving someone home but he looks like he's enjoying himself, and I don't want to ruin someone else's night just to end my own night. As it turns out though, the night does end for me pretty soon.

We leave this place and then go to one of the few night clubs in Newark. By the time we get there our group has already split up and it's now gone from about 25 of us to about 7, I don't know where the rest went. So walking into a night club with chavvy hip/hop, rap and r&b is not my cup of tea, so I'm not enjoying this place straight away and then the smoke machine floods the room so much that I can't find any of the people I'm with. Ten minutes go by and I'm still not able to find anyone so I think "fuck it" and try to go home.

I tried to call the person I'm giving a lift to but he hangs up the phone and I send him a text, which I get no reply to....fuck I went home. On my way I suddenly get pulled over by the police and when I responded "I don't drink" to "have you had a drink tonight?" ....he not only refused to believe me but actually called me an outright liar. So he forces me to do a breath test and when zero alcohol comes back as a result on the machine he still has an attitude (I was so tempted to be smug). He demanded to see my licence and checked my car for insurance and tax before finally letting me go. At not one point did he actually say what I had been stopped for.

So, that's why I'm not usually socialable.

And just for the record, only three people know the genuine reason why I don't drink alcohol and those three have been working for years to earn my trust, so I'm not going to just broadcast it out to everyone.

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