Well I'm two weeks into my diet and things are going reasonably. My initial rapid weight loss has slowed down and I think I'm not at that level where I'll lose 2 pounds a weight, give or take. It is disappointing not to see the weight go down rapidly but at least I'm not gaining weight, which is probably the most important thing. 12 pounds in two weeks isn't that bad afterall, average of 6 pounds a week, most people on diets would kill for that.
My main form of exercise at the moment is coming through biking to and from work, which works out at about 10 miles per day, all done within 60 or so minutes (3 miles to the train station, 2 miles from the train station at the other end to work, and then reverse for the return journey). The first two days I did it I was absolutely shattered, I felt physically ill on the first day, but since then it's got better and even though lactic acid is still prominent in any of my bike rides, I'm not longer shattered from the bike riding, which is a relief because I really did feel crap on that first morning.
Other than that I am struggling to get exercise in. I work in an office and don't regularly get the chance to get up and walk around, which means all calories I eat during the day aren't then starting to burnt off until I start the bike ride home. There is a gym opposite work but they appear to have minimal cardio machines....and I certainly don't want to be what would generally be described as "buff". I'd love to be physically fit, but not to the point where my it looks like I'm smuggling small inflated balloons all over my body.
Luckily weekends are quite good as I eat the same amount but I am relatively active on weekends and tomorrow I am going to watching Lincoln away at Kettering. The nearest train station to the ground is 6 miles away and I'm probably going to walk it........I must be fucking mad.
But anyway, until next time, peace out.
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