Saturday, 23 February 2013

Seriously, there's more to life than Facebook!


I trust all is well with the majority of you.

If you do this to certain people, they will turn
into a whiny, little bitch.
I want to talk about something that bugs me, it's people who seem to spend their lives in Facebook (and other such websites) and act as if it's the ball all and end all of life. There are people that I know who seem to think that Facebook, and to be more precise, how you interact with them on there, is the basis of everything between you as fiends/contacts, it's not only sad, it's kind of pathetic.

I'm going to share an example of this from a few years ago. It's mid-2011 and I develop an interest in something that basically makes me re-assess many areas of my life, and I decided at that time that I would spend considerably less time on Facebook and that I would only keep people on there who I didn't see on a regular basis. Over the course of a few nights I dwindled the friends list from 550 down to 136, I got rid of people who I worked with, people who I saw at football, etc. Then the trouble started.

Whilst of the over 400 didn't react (either by not noticing, not caring, or appreciating my reasons), there were a few who decided to take an issue with it. I specifically stated that it was nothing personal and restated my reasons.....but they reacted in a typical immature response that a 5 year old would be embarrassed by.

Recently I removed another group and some have produced the exact same immature reaction, and you know what? I'm done with it. Life isn't a popularity contest people, and those who think that it is are mistaken. Those who take what happened on Facebook, Twitter, etc, so seriously are so fucking pathetic. What is the point in getting so upset that someone removes from Facebook? Seriously? I explain why and they just act like I'm slapped them with a wet fish. I'm done with those people.

Anyway, peace out.


  1. my "best mate" fell out with me because i deleted her off my friends list hahaha! i use mine to keep myself sane (i dont really see anyone apart from kids and tom) and keep the reles happy and updated with photos but id rather life went back to texting!

  2. I won't use FB anymore for exactly these kind of reasons. Lost too many "friends" to that site now. They can stuff it frankly!
