Thursday 4 October 2012

Need blood, hating a housemate and the wait is over

Hello all

Can I have some more of this please???
As it’s been a few months since my last proper update, I figured I’d be nice and spent part of my Thursday evening writing you a blog. “But why aren’t you out on the town?” I hear you ask, well, let me tell you. When I was Nathan I wasn’t very good at cleaning my teeth and because of this, about 8 of my teeth have/are mainly fillings, and about a month ago I was eating a chewit….and it pulled one of the fillings out. When I went to the dentist to get it fixed, he said that he would have to remove the tooth. Skip forward to this Tuesday and the tooth was removed, but due to it being right on the vein and next to a nerve, I’ve lost a bit of blood and have felt faint for a few days. I did try going to work on Wednesday morning but went home without two hours because I was that faint and it took five minutes to walk from one side of the car park to the other (and it’s not a big car park).

So I’ve spent the last two days at home whilst my body starts to produce blood to replace what was lost… the time of writing I have started to feel a bit better and will give work another go tomorrow. It sucks because I hate phoning in sick to work and people at Vodafone have seen me in very bad states but still going into work. In three years of working for them I’ve only been off sick twice before, one was when I did my ankle ligament and didn’t have any crutches, and the other one was when I caught something really bad that was going around that I threw up twice within the first hour of being at work.

But anyway, so it has meant that I have spent the last two days inside my house. For those who don’t know, I have moved out of the flat in Newark and into a house-share situation. It’s not only cheaper in terms of rent per month, but all bills are inclusive. It’s quite a good deal. There are only two downsides, one being that there’s no aerial for the TV in my room, meaning I rarely actually watch TV anymore….I don’t even miss TV that much……and the other is one of the people I live with.

I live with three guys, Andrew, Jim and Dan, I get on quite well with Andrew and Jim, not got a problem with either of them at all and I like both of them….it’s Dan that’s the problem. You can always tell a lot about a person when they move into a house-share…..and the thing I can tell about Dan is that he hasn’t lived away from his parents before. He treats the place like he is expecting someone to clean up after him.

He leaves his washing up to do for days/weeks on end and then seems surprised every time he goes into the kitchen and it’s still there. That’s not my only problem with his food habits. A few weeks ago I was sat writing something on the laptop, he cooks some pasta and sits down on the seat opposite me and starts eating…..with his fucking mouth open. All I hear for five minutes is “slop, squish, splosh, smush, smulch”… was not pleasant at all. Seriously dude, did your parents feed you from a trough???

That last look is the only I often give
to Dan when he's trying to talk and I'm trying
to hint that I really don't give a shit.
Dan seems to think he owns the TV downstairs and there have been several occasions when other housemates have been watching TV, he has walked in, picked up the remote and changed the channel, without even asking if he could change the channel. He’s done it to me once (I waited until he sat down and went and picked the remote up, changed it back and held it in my hand) and to Andrew on another occasion, and then on the occasions when you’re watching something and he’s not got anything to watch, he will come and talk to you, even though you’re politely trying to tell him to fuck off without actually saying it, he doesn’t take the hint……..but fuck does he get mardy if you talk when he’s watching something.

Then there’s stuff that doesn’t necessarily impact me but still creeps me out a little bit, such as the fact he’s lived here for about five weeks now and he has only cleaned his clothes once in those five weeks. Now, either that fucker has a LOT of clothes (which I doubt given that he only ever seems to wear one thing) or he’s not very hygienic…….I think I can guess at which one.

I mean house-shares are about compromise. Me, Andy and Jim get on quite well because we compromise, Dan just does whatever he wants and again, has quite clearly never lived away from his parents. The strange thing is that I don’t think he actually understands that none of the rest of us actually like him. He just has no social skills whatsoever.  

But anyway, onto happier subjects. I finally started the process of becoming Kate just over two weeks ago. Yey! I’m finally on my way to becoming female. It was such a great relief to get it all started and although it’s a slow starting process (have to have blood tests and a psychiatric evaluation before any hormones are prescribed), it’s nice to get it started.

It seems strange in many ways to have finally started. After nearly 30 years of telling people that it would be happening, it finally is and all of those nights when I was a teenager, or in my early twenties, now just feel like a distant nightmare ago. Granted, my body is still 100% male at the moment, but it’s nice to know that the changes aren’t too far away now. I mean I know I’m not going to all of a sudden look like a girl overnight, but it’s a start.

Infact, that’s about it really. I don’t have a particularly exciting life these days, or maybe I’ll write one when I’m back to full health, who knows?

Until next time though, peace out.

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